Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Well Hello There


Well I am new to the Blogger community so let me tell you a little about me.

My name is Coley and I do live in the suburbs of Chicago.

I have a Journalism Degree that is collecting dust in a closet somewhere as I am a concierge at the Sofitel Chicago - O'Hare in Rosemont. I love my job, I get to meet so many different people from all over the world and from all different backgrounds. Sometimes I feel like a glorified bartender, if you get people talking you can find out so much about them!
This week at the hotel there is this wonderful older couple, they have been together for 50 years!
They met in college, she was 17 and he was right out of the service and boy are they still hopeless in love!

I would love to find that one day, although I know longer will find my one true love at 17, I'm 26.

You would think living in such a large city such as Chicago that finding someone wouldn't be the hardest thing in the world, but let me tell you nothing worth having comes easy! I have had two boyfriends, neither worth keeping around, although when I was with the two of them just try to convince me of that!
Why do we always spout advice to our friends, but listening to it ourselves never works?
I'm great at giving advice, oh I love to say this, that and the other thing but when I am in the same situation as the person I gave the advice to, ha I never listen to myself, or the friend who is now quoting me! Yikes!

So I live alone, that has its benefits as well as its downfalls!

Benefit, I can watch whatever I want on TV, when I want. Downfall, there's no one there to watch TV with. When someone says something stupid or a great commercial comes on, there is no one there to share it with and you may end up talking to yourself. It would also be nice to be living with someone else when it comes to the bills! Any kid out there that happens to be reading this and says I can't wait to move out of my parents house... STOP! Remember it is not just about the rent, there are bills (phone, electric, cellphone, etc...) and you may want to eat so don't forget how much groceries are, car payments and gas. It adds up to be more than you may have bargained for. I know it did for me. Here's a test for you, one week before deciding to fly the parental coop, offer to buy the groceries for the house. Go to the local grocery store and buy whatever it is on the list, as well as, all those things that you really like. How much do you think you'll spend? That will be your responsibility every week when you live on your own, Roman Noodles sounding really good to you right now don't they?

I am a huge Cubs fan! I can not say lifelong though, no I became a Cubs fan because the guy I had a crush on in high school was a Cubs fan and I wanted to desperately try to impress him! I choose what was to be my career path because of it but that's neither here nor there.

His name was Sam, a little dorky now that I look back, but he let me copy his paper in English class. I found out that he was going to be on the baseball team and so I decided to become the baseball manager to be around him and show off all of my "baseball knowledge." Girls, becoming part of the team the guy you like plays for is not a good idea. You become "one of the guys." You get to hear about all the gross things guys do, and they can see you as nothing else. I never dated in high school and this was one of the reasons. Boy do their girlfriends hate you though! You got to be in places with their men that they were never aloud to go, it had its perks!
Anyways, I am a Cubs fan, my entire living room is devoted to the "Lovable Losers" of the North side. I go to the home opener game every season with my younger sister and we always freeze since it is April in Chicago! One year the game was postponed... because of snow!
My favorite player, based on looks, is Kyle Farnsworth, currently with the Detroit Tigers.
My favorite player, based on Cubbie devotion, is Ron Santo, one of the voices of the Chicago Cubs.
My favorite players, based on their talent, Mark DeRosa, Derrick Lee, Aramis Ramierz and everyone else on this awesome 2008 team! This is our year. Not only are we a great team, we deserve it! 100 years is a little much don't you think?

I do love the game of baseball. I helped in starting the team for Columbia College when I was there. I went to an art school, art schools don't have sports teams apparently and that is just horrible. So my friend Brian and I decided to start the Columbia College Coyotes. It was the only thing that kept me going in college. I was not a fan of school, I was a fan of extracurriculars.

In high school I was a cheerleader for three years, baseball manager for four years, I played the flute in the band, I was the sports announcer on the daily video announcements, I was an auditorium usher, I was part of the Varsity Club, outside of school I was a Girl Scout, selling cookies all the way through my senior year! I loved to be around other people and to be known.

Here's the problem with all that, graduation. Once you graduate and you leave what you have known and the people you know and who know you for as long as twelve years, where do you go? Who are you outside of that safe place? Sure you hang on to a few friends, but people move, people get married, start families and where are you?

That is kinda where I still am now. I graduated high school eight years ago. I did the college thing and got that out of the way in four years. I moved out of my parents safe house at the old age of 25. I am still trying to find myself. I am single, I live alone, I have a fun job, but I have nothing outside of it.

My boss actually suggested this blogging thing, something to get my creative juices flowing, and give me something to do in my late nights when I get home from work.

I haven't had things easy, nothing was ever handed to me. I work hard and I have things to show for that, my car, my apartment, the fact that the electricity is on for me to be typing this blog. This blog will be an opinion blog, anything that may be on my mind that night. It may be long or short. You may learn more about me and my past, you may not but the one thing this blog will bring is some form of finding myself.

Who is Coley in Chicago? We can find out together!


Anonymous said...

You are kinda like Lady GaGa.

Anonymous said...

That old couple died by the way.