Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Women

Have you heard about this movie that came out today, "The Women?"
Amazing movie!

A girlfriend and I went after a rough night at work to see this movie and we couldn't stop laughing or agreeing with everything they were saying! The cast was all women, not one man is seen in the film not even as an extra and it works. Men are talked about, implied to have been there and even talked to on the phone but not once is a man seen.

It's a film about friendships and relationships, just like any other movie made for women is, but it takes a new approach. These women are successful despite their men. The start and run businesses and families. They care for each other and their children like family.
The question did come up between my girlfriend and I though.

As you have seen in the previews one of the girls' husbands is having an affair and the best friend finds out first. She chooses not to tell the best friend what she knows and instead gossips it to the other friends in a "what should I do with this information" kind of a way. They say keep it to yourself. In the mean time the best friend finds out about her husbands affair.

The question that we both asked each other... What would you do if you found out that your friends husband was having an affair. A) Would you keep your mouth shut, what she doesn't know won't kill her. B) Tell her right away, she deserves to know. C) Tell someone that will tell her, then you aren't the bad guy.

I said it would depend on how close I am with the friend. If it was someone I have known all my life, good chance I would tell them, but only if I had proof otherwise you are jeopardizing the friendship. If I knew them as an acquaintance, probably not its not my place. If I didn't like the person and I wanted them to feel miserable I'll remind them every chance I get! Ooh I can be cruel.

Turn the tables, would I want to know?
I don't know.
I don't know that if someone told me that I would even believe them.
It would be a lot to take in and again depending on the friendship I had with the person giving me the alleged information, I don't know how I would take it.

I have never been a cheater nor, to my knowledge, have I ever been cheated on, but I do know people who have. In this movie the woman who has been cheated on goes from very weak and vulnerable to a very strong, success driven woman. The people I know that have been cheated on have basically crawled in a hole and died. I hope to never be cheated on I think it would absolutely be one of the worst feelings in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are kinda like Lady GaGa.