Monday, September 29, 2008

I Loathe Liars

I really don't understand why people choose to lie, I am willing to bet that 4 out of 5 times you are going to get caught! I guess everyone is just hoping to be that fifth time.
People don't like that I tell it like it is. I can be cruel with my honesty, but wouldn't you rather me be honest than lie to you and you find out the truth later?
If you annoy me, I'll tell you. If your new haircut looks ridiculous, I'll tell you. If I don't want to do something with you, I won't make something up and end up doing that something anyways without you.
Why is it so hard for me to trust someone? Because being lied to, mistreated and misled is more common than being told the truth and having follow through. Neither of my exes had any follow through, lots of promises but no action. My friends have always been the same way as well. Is it me?
Is OK to always push someone to the side, maybe knowing that they will come back for more?
I am there for everyone, at anytime, I wish I could say the same about the people I am there for.

Birthdays: forgotten or completely blown off.
Break-Ups: She'll get over it.
Plans: Hey we can cancel on Nicole its ok she wont notice.
Invites: Tell her you have something better to do, how will she find out?

Thanks to crazy websites like Facebook and MySpace and the joy of AIM and Yahoo Messenger, people know more about each other in an instant than they did from the rumors in high school.
I'm just not happy and I don't like constantly being pushed to the side when all I ever try to do is make everyone else happy. Because of the lies I am cutting people out left and right becuase forgive and forget gets harder each time. Although I am getting rid of the people that hurt me, it also hurts to discover that you are all alone.

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