Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Plenty of Fish... Guppies Maybe!

Have you ever used a singles website?
I've been on them in the past, more as an ego boost then to actually find love.
I have never paid to be on the sites though, I think that is just ridiculous, but I let the people email me and then I would delete it since you can not email them back without being a paid member.
Recently I found one that is free, its called PlentyofFish.Com, cute right? Apparently the people you find on a free singles website are choosing to be on the free website because the majority of them do not have jobs!

My main thing now while looking for a new man are the following:
I do not want him to live at home with his mom.
I want him to have a job and ambition to move up within his job.
I want him to have a car, it doesn't have to be the best but my name is not Jeeves the Chauffeur.
I want him to be tall, good-looking and not at all hairy.
I don't want him to be married, divorced or have kids.

I do not think that these are at all odd requests but the only guys that email me are living at home in their parents basement, they have no jobs, they have no car, they have 3 kids with different people and they have a full beard. Hmmm... I also think they are incapable of reading because HELLO you are not what I want! Needless to say I have not gone on a date with any of the guys from The Fish, nor will I in the near future. I don't think online dating is for me since there needs to be a sense of trust to meet a perfect stranger that may or may not be who they say they are on an online personal ad. Seriously are you going to advertise that you have a restraining order against you from your previous relationship, you are an alcoholic, you have had your drivers license taken away from all of you previous DUI's and you are not really the athletic guy you see in that picture instead you are a fat, bald guy who is about 40 not 27?

I had dinner and hung out with an amazing guy last night. Too bad he is just a great friend. We had the best time, at least I thought we did. We've known each other since Jr. High, but were never the best of friends. He went off and joined the Navy and traveled the world, while I stayed back here in Bensenville. Through the magic of AIM, MySpace and Facebook we have kept in touch over the years. He's in Chicago for a few weeks and I offered to take him to dinner at Morton's, which he had never been to, and being a concierge going to fine dining restaurants for free is a perk of my job. We had a great dinner. We caught up on a lot of things. He came back to the APT and we watched a movie and then the entire third season of Entourage, which since I had not seen seasons one and two, really meant nothing to me. Overall it just a great night. He didn't try to be all touchy, feely or anything crazy even though we were both drinking! I told him I could only be so lucky as to find a guy like that. It's too bad when the good ones are your friends, and one of you thinks the friendship is more important than ever attempting a relationship. Maybe its true what they say that men and women can not be "just friends" since one of them always wants something more from the other one at some point.

Moral of the story, I have to keep looking and maybe someday my prince will come!
Most likely he will not come from a singles website!

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