Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Night of Firsts

It was the most amazing date ever!
I have never been on a traditional first date so this was amazing.
We "met" on Yahoo Personals and have been talking for about a month via email, HE wanted to take things slow, which for a a dating website is unusual. I have never met anyone from the sites bc really all they have wanted to do is hook up.
He is 28 and lives in Joliet and is a buyer for Costco, he is currently still in school getting his Masters in Finance (i think I forgot oops!) He is 6'5 and YUMMY!
We met at the movie theater and we saw Monsters vs Aliens in 3D, since we have both admitted to being big kids, then he took me to Harry Caray's for dinner, since I love the Cubs (so does he!). Never a dull moment at dinner which was amazing, its nice to never really have a lull in the conversation. I offered to help with the bill, but he wouldn't have it! That's a first! Then we went back to my car and had a drink at Mortons (where I know everyone and they all approved). After that we went back out to the cars and he gave me purple tulips another first as I have never been given flowers before! He said he would have liked for the night to start out with the flowers but he didn't want me to carry them around all night. He told me that they were closed so as they opened I would think of him! AWE! I was totally in love. When he got home he sent me a text that he had a great time and that I was so beautiful. It was the best first date ever and I can't wait to see him again! I don't think I have stopped smiling!
Which is amazing in itself considering how I have been feeling the past few months!

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