Friday, August 7, 2009

I swear apparently the world does not revolve around me but the minute something goes wrong its my fault! If I ever did anything right in that family it would be a fucking miracle!
Lets take tonight.
I was getting dressed and ready for a night at the race track with my father, something I have never willingly done in my life, but it was for the $1 beers not the mistreated horses. I find out instead that my 13 year old brat of a brother is going and say no thanks. Why? I don't want to be the baby-sitter or be followed by the little asshole all night. I text the other girl that was going to go and she said that I made a wise choice, she also knows my brother is a brat and my dad likes to shrug off any and all responsibilities when it comes to his children.
Later in the night I stop at the house to show my mom a picture and my father and brother are still there. Apparently they got into a fight and it all started with MY HISSY FIT?! Are you kidding? Kevin starts a fight with my dad about wanting to bring a friend and its my fault since it started with me. So now instead of my dad going to the track until midnight he wants to go to the OTB until god knows when and again it all started with me.
When I said that I had wanted to go but I didn't want to be a baby-sitter they said that would never happen I said Marissa agreed they said of course she would becuase everyone has to feel sorry for poor Nicole.
I so hate my family. I didn't miss them when they were in Vegas last week, I was able to avoid the house and my stupid siblings. No one talked down to me or called me a bitch it was my own personal vacation.

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