Thursday, October 2, 2008


I was going to write you all that today, October 1st, was going to be the turning point for me.
It's been 11 weeks since Aimad broke up with me, it's a new month, the Cubs are in the post season and well so are the White Sox. I decided last night while falling asleep that I wanted to start over and be more positive. I want to forget about Aimad and how bad everything really was and think that it's actually a really good thing that we are no longer together. I was just thinking how much better things could be if only I thought that they could be better.
So today I was telling the girls at work about my new plan to be the new me and they were really excited and welcomed me back from the depression I have been in. Even one of the housekeepers noticed that I was all smiles today and she gave me a big hug saying it was good to see me in a good mood. Carlo, my boss, thought that I was stronger than that and should have been over all of that a long time ago but was happy that I have decided to move in a more positive direction.
I wasn't even completely upset when Felecia cancelled on me this evening for a concierge event at 10pin that we were supposed to attend since I would have rather been watching the Cubs game. I called my mom and told her that I was going to be heading down to Wrigleyville to watch the game at one or many of the local bars. She was worried about me being alone with all of the drunks and craziness but told me to be careful.
Not too long after that a guest comes down and starts asking me for certain stores and which malls were closer. He then wanted to know what plays were in town and what other interesting things were going on in town. I start to tell him about the plays and I mentioned that I was going down to Wrigleyville to hang out and that should be a good time so he should go. He wanted to know if I had tickets and I was like um no I can't afford them, yesterday standing room only were $125.00 a ticket! He asked me to call a broker and find out what was available, I asked how many tickets he would need and he said 2 one for me and one for him. I totally thought he was joking. I called the broker and they said they had two tickets in section 529 for $150.00 a piece. He asked me if I wanted to go and I said I would love to but I really can't afford those tickets I had only $50.00 on me he then said the game would be his treat and he ordered the tickets. I was shaking I was so excited. He gave me his card and told me he would meet me when I got off of work, then he really went to the mall.
I started announcing to everyone that I was going to the game and a lot of people were quite jealous. I took a ten minute break and called my mom and dad, brother and sister to gloat that not only will I be hanging out in Wrigleyville but I would be at the game!
When he came back to the hotel from the mall he was wearing a Cubs shirt despite the fact that he is a Phillies fan. We took the train down to Wrigley, picked up the tickets and headed to the field. It was his first time at Wrigley so we did the pictures in front of the marquee and everything. Of course I had to get my scorecard, which were jacked up in price, and he insisted on buying that too! I was going nuts, this guy who knew me for 5 minutes had already done more for me than Aimad had done in a year! I did buy the hot dogs though, which took forever to get since the hot dog vendor kept coming to our section empty. The game was a lot of fun, despite the loss.
So think positive and crazy things can happen! He said one of the favorite things about the night was how my eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas when i walked into the stadium and told him to look at how gorgeous it was, Wrigley is Heaven on Earth! At the time that I said that he actually said, I don't know what I should be looking at, the field or the girl I am with.
He wasn't a creepy guy either. I know a lot of people were afraid that he was expecting something in return for spending so much money on me, but he wasn't like that. I am sure he would not have pushed me away had I wanted to do something but the issue was never and issue.
Maybe this positive Nicole will have a lot of fun! Wish me luck!