Thursday, December 31, 2009


So it's the end of the worst year ever and also the end of a not so good decade.
Damn I'd go back to 1999 in a second. So much has changed in the past decade...
I graduated from both High School and College, not that either of those things matter seeing as I am presently unemployed and broke as a joke. I owe more people than I can count and it's depressing.
I had my first, second and third boyfriends in the past decade, they were all crap in their own ways and all had one thing in common... they broke up with me, breaking my heart and leaving me hating myself, them and my life. I've decided to give up on finding a relationship and despise all the happy people of the world, this may include you but oh well stop being happy and we can commensurate together.
I had a few great jobs and a lot of crappy ones in the past decade. I discovered my love of hospitality, too bad it turned on me more than once as I have been fired from 2 hotels, let go from one that I really didn't like anyways and quit another. I did have some sports jobs thrown in that were fun while they lasted but they usually only lasted anywhere from one day to one week so it wasn't all that great. I did meet the entire 2003 Chicago Cubs team, even though they let me down and I cried.
I met some great people in the past decade, I don't talk to most of them anymore, but they served their purpose at the time. People usually don't stick around, they usually find some guy that will eventually screw them over and leave me until they realize the dude was a prick then they come back and talk to me until the next one comes along. This sad saga includes my amazing gay friends of the past decade.
During the past decade I became legal to start drinking, which I really did wait till my 21st birthday to drink. I have had my ups and downs when it came to my alcohol consumption and I also got over it pretty quickly but during the middle of this decade you could find me at Fitz's in Elmhurst just about every Thursday night, back when I used to drink, dance and make-out with random guys... ah the "good ol' days". Now you barely catch me at a bar and there is rarely a time that I am falling on my face drunk. I was also kicked out of bars for the first time this decade, 3 of them actually while rooting against the Chicago White Sox in 2005 during the World Series, people didn't appreciate it and I was tossed, how rude!
I got my first cars this past decade and into my first car accident. My frist car was $300 and was a 1989 Mercury Tracer 2dr Hatchback ... which was quickly nicknamed "The BeanerMobile" by anyone that ever had to climb through the passenger window to get into it or heard it coming down the block, as I had a horrible muffler! It was also burnt reddish/orange, had a patch of bondo on the side, the radio didn't work, it had a gas leak that made the car reek and the previous owners kid put Chicago Bulls stickers all over the car LOL
As my college graduation present to myself I bought a 2004 Saturn Ion Quad Coupe in silver, which was nicknamed Trish Bella Ion. Trish was bought June 30, 2004 and was hit by a school bus July 7, 2004. It was a tragedy but a little over a month over I got my car back and well she's just never been the same. This year she was paid off so I officially own her.
I had my first surgeries in the past decade. The first one i had to fight with the doctors to even do. While at work one day I had lost the feeling in my left hand, by the end of the week it was my entire left side of my body. We found a lump in my left breast which after a biopsy was proven to be nothing at the time but the doctor said "lets watch it to see if it becomes cancerous" WHAT?! First of all this thing is sitting on a nerve so that I can not use my left arm and you want to see if maybe someday I get cancer? Stupid doctors. So we had it removed and he said "good thing we got it out it was the size of a large golf ball" Idiot!
My second surgery was this past year when, as you all know, I fell down that damn stairs at the Sofitel and had my knee surgery. They found that my kneecap was turned and they had to realign it, it still hurts a lot so whatever.
The past decade welcomed many babies, including my cousin Emma, my Shorty Jackson and his brother Tyler, our baby girl Kalia and my little princesses Lexie and Becca! They are all so cute but my mother still wants "real grandchildren" which I don't think will ever happen since we are all huge disappointments ... there is some hope in Lauren Marie but it doesn't look like it will be anytime soon for her either.
I moved out during the past decade, got my own place which I love. I don't know how much longer I will be here though since when you don't have a job you can't afford crazy things like rent and electricity! I will never move home though, like I said I own my car and I could probably survive in there for awhile.
I traveled a little bit this past decade, I finally go to go to New York when the Sofitel sent me for a concierge convention. I went to Houston when I met a pilot at a friends wedding and he had me flown out to visit. Both of those trips I went to baseball games so that rocked. Jeff Santo flew me out to see him in Las Vegas, but I really didn't spend time with him. I also went to Vegas to celebrate my cousins 30th birthday. I went to Arizona to visit a friend I hadn't seen a few years at the time and we had a big family vacation to Hawaii.
Well that's my decade in a nutshell. I am not, nor have I ever been a fan of the holiday or celebration of New Year's Eve so I will be spending the night alone in bed like every other year. It is one of the more depressing holidays when you are single and can't afford to get drunk. New Year's Eve is for drunken idiots and kissing couples I'm better off crying in bed and hating my life.
Have Fun, Be Safe,Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

"Put One Foot in Front of the Other"

"Put One Foot in Front of the Other"

Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walkin' 'cross the floor
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walkin' out the door

You never will get where you're goin'
If you never get up on your feet
Come on there's a good tailwind blowin'
A fast walkin' man is hard to beat

Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walkin' 'cross the floor
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walkin' out the door

If you want to change your direction
If your time of life is at hand
Well don't be the rule be the exception
A good way to start is to stand

Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walkin' 'cross the floor
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walkin' out the door

If I want to change the reflection
I see in the mirror each morn
(Oh you do)
You mean that it's just my election
(Just that)
To vote for a chance to be reborn

You put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll are walkin' 'cross the floor
You put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll are walkin' out the door

Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll are walkin' 'cross the floor
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walkin' out the door

"We're a Couple of Misfits"

"We're A Couple of Misfits"

We're a couple of misfits
We're a couple of misfits
What's the matter with misfits
That's where we fit in

We're not daffy and dilly
Don't go 'round willy nilly
Seems to us kinda silly
That we don't fit in

We may be different from the rest
Who decides the test the ones that really best

We're a couple of misfits
We're a couple of misfits
What's the matter with misfits
That's where we fit in

Why am I such a misfit
I am not just a nitwit
I'm a dear of a reindeer
Why don't I fit in

Why am I such a misfit
I am not just a nitwit
They can't fire me I quit
Seems I don't fit in

We may be different from the rest
Who decides the test the ones that really best

We're a couple of misfits
We're a couple of misfits
What's the matter with misfits
That's where we fit in

"Heat Miser"

"Heat Miser"

I'm Mr Green Christmas, I'm Mr Sun
I'm Mr Heat Blister, I'm Mr 101
They call me Heat Miser
Whatever I touch, starts to melt in my clutch
I'm too much

He's Mr Green Christmas, He's Mr Sun
He's Mr Heat Blister, He's Mr 101
They call me Heat Miser
Whatever I touch, starts to melt in my clutch
He's too much

I never wanna know a day that's under 60 degrees
I'd rather have it 80. 90, 100 degrees
Oh some like it hot but I like it really hot

He's Mr Green Christmas, He's Mr Sun
He's Mr Heat Blister, He's Mr 101
They call me Heat Miser
Whatever I touch, starts to melt in my clutch
I'm too much
Too much

"Snow Miser"

"Snow Miser"

I'm Mr. White Christmas, I'm Mr. Snow
I'm Mr. Icicle, I'm Mr Ten Below
Friends call me Snow Miser
Whatever I touch turns to snow in my clutch
I'm too much

He's Mr. White Christmas, He's Mr. Snow
He's Mr. Icicle, He's Mr Ten Below
Friends call me Snow Miser
Whatever I touch turns to snow in my clutch
He's too much

I never wanna know a day that's over forty degrees
I'd rather have it 30,20,10, 5 and then let it freeze

He's Mr. White Christmas, He's Mr. Snow
He's Mr. Icicle, He's Mr Ten Below
Friends call me Snow Miser
Whatever I touch turns to snow in my clutch
Too much
Too much

"I Believe in Santa Claus"

"I Believe in Santa Claus"

I believe in Santa Claus, like I believe in Love
I believe in Santa Claus, and everything he does
There's no question in my mind that he does exist
Just like love I know he's there waiting to be missed

I believe in Santa Claus, but there was a time
I thought I had grown too old for such a childish rhyme
He became a dream to me till one Christmas night
Someone stood beside my bed with a beard of white

So you're too old for Santa Claus, he said with a smile
Then you're too old for all the things that make a life worth while
For what is happiness but dreams and do they all come true
Look at me and tell me son, what is real to you

Just believe in Santa Claus, like you believe in Love
Just believe in Santa Claus and everything he does
Wipe that question from your mind yes he does exist
Just like love you know he's there waiting to be missed

Just like love I know he's there waiting to be missed

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Apparently I "paraphrased incorrectly" my mother claims she did not call me a slut tonight (doesn't mean she didn't imply it) and that it was my uncle that called me a fat ass not her (she didn't say I wasn't). The point really is that she allows it to happen. She says that I want to claim to be an angel while everyone around me is being so mean when really I am just as mean. Sure have I dished it back? I just said I did but of course I "should know better" since I am the "older one". Its OK for the 13 year old to call his sister a bitch and a whore. It's OK for my uncle to tell me I am a fat ass. It's OK for me to constantly feel bad about myself apparently.